Picture Lake and Mt. Shuksan.

This is a composite image of 3 separate exposures taken at Picture Lake. The mountain is Mt. Shuksan and you can see it reflected nearly perfectly in the still waters of the lake. I feel particularly fortunate to be able to get this shot! The last time I had been here, the mountain was shrouded in clouds and it was quite windy. Today, all conditions came together to give me this amazing opportunity!

Moon Over Seattle

This is a composite image. The first image is a typical shot taken from Kerry Park in Seattle. The second image was from the "Supermoon" event that occured earlier this year. I photographed that moon from Paine Field in Everett, Wa. I was then able to combine the two shots to form this image that you see before you. Enjoy!

"Echoes of Blue and Gray"

This scene was shot at Evergreen Cemetary in Everett, Wa. There was a civil war veterans rememberance ceremony there as well as some demonstrations of the weapons used manouvers used during some of the battles. You can learn more about Civil War Re-enactments in Washington state at www.wcwa.net

Blue Heron at Dusk

I shot this image on the north side of Camano Island at the English Boom park. I was waiting with some other photographers when we noticed this Blue Heron fishing at dusk.

NASA Super Guppy Aircraft! Transporting the FFT!

I took this photo today at Paine Field in Everett. It shows NASA's "Super Guppy" aircraft doing an escorted low pass as it proceeds towards its destination at Boeing Field in Seattle. This aircraft is transporting the FFT (full fuselage tra...iner) used by all the space shuttle astronauts during their preparation for their missions. Interesting note: only 5 of these aircraft were ever built!

Seattle Skyline June 21st 2012

I took this shot from Kerry Park last night. ISO 100, F7.1. About a 30 second exposure. I set the white balance to tungstun to give the image a dramatic blue hue. It also really helps the lights look a lot better as well. Finally I nudged the overall saturation a little bit (it didn't need much!)

This shot I had previously rejected because at its full resolution the sharpness wasn't quite good enough for me. However, I spent a little bit of time with it this evening and found that after reducing it in size and applying some careful sharpening techniques in photoshop that I was able to retrieve a perfectly acceptable image. Enjoy!

"Supermoon" rises over Paine Field in Snohomish county. In the foreground you can see one of Boeings new 787 Dreamliner jets.

Boulder Creek Falls in Snohomish County

Wildflowers near Anacortes, Wa.

Fairy Slipper
Avalanche Lily
Shooting Star

Yellow Tulip

Photographed at "Tulip Town" near Mt. Vernon.

Tulip Town near Mt.Vernon, WA.

The tulips are in bloom! Go visit "Tulip Town" near Mt. Vernon and catch them while you can!

Old abandoned boat west of Mt. Vernon, Wa.

I was with my photo club last Sunday and one of the subjects we photographed that day was this abandoned boat laying alongside a slough near Mt. Vernon.

"Small Falls" at Wallace Falls State Park

This is image was created by mounting my camera to a tripod, getting it as close to the water as possible (actually, the tripod was in the water) and angling it up the falls. I used a circular polarizer to slow down the light, cut reflections and help make the colors in the image 'pop'. Finally, this image is a composite of two separate shots, the first one of the pool and half the falls, and the second one was from half-way up the falls and on up. Heres the technical specs: Canon Eos 50D, ISO 100, canon 17-40 F4 "L" lens at F22. Circular polarizer. Fired off of a remote with the camera mounted to a tripod with a 4 second exposure time.

Random Stuff!

Kung Fu Demonstration #2
Kung Fu Demonstration #1
"Fluidic Space"
Heres some images I've been working on lately. Two of them are for a creative competition and the other two are from the recent Chinese New Years celebrations here in Seattle. Enjoy!

Snowy Owls at Boundary Bay near Surrey, B.C.

Today I ventured up north of the Canadian border to photograph an unusual influx of Snowy Owls that have come down from the artic. You can find more information about these beautiful creatures at this wikipediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowy_owl link.