Seagull's Lunch

Taken at Ebey State Park on Whidbey Island today.

More macrophotography on my front porch

All images taken with a reversed Canon 50mm f1.8 lens. Recipe for the shots was the same: ISO 160, F5.6 (reversed), 1/250th of a second, flash fired at +2/3rd.

Cat on a rail

Blue Heron

Bald Eagle Over Spencer Island

(click image to enlarge it)

Went out to Spencer Island today with Cassandra and Bryson, we hid a new geocache there and also had a nice nature walk. This Eagle is part of a mated pair that are living near the island and flew overhead while we walked along. Cool!


Platyptilia celidotus, Plume Moth.

Canon 50mm F1.8 lens using a reverse mount ring with the aperture preset at f16. 1/160th of a second, ISO 100.


F1.8, 1/49th of a second, ISO 400, Canon EF 50mm F1.8 lens.